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Recognize the Various Type Dredges

Dredger is a ship that has special equipment to carry out dredging. This ship is made to meet the needs, both from a harbor, shipping lanes, or the offshore industry, in order to work as well as the tools that exist on the ground leveling such as excavators and bulldozers.

Recognize the Various Type Dredges

There are several types of dredgers are:

1. Suction Dredger
Operates by sucking material through a long tube like a vacuum cleaner. This type consists of several types.  

1.1 Trailing suction hopper dredger 

Trailing suction hopper dredger

A trailing suction hopper Dredger or TSHD dragging the suction pipe when working, and the filling material is sucked into one or more container (hopper) inside the vessel. When the container is full, TSHD will sail to the disposal site and dispose of the material through the doors in the bottom of the ship or the material can also be pumped out of the vessel. TSHD world is owned Belgian company which Jan De Nul TSHD. Vasco Da Gama (33,000 m3 container, 37.060 kW of total power available) and the Dutch company Boskalis TSHD. W.D. Fairway (35,000 m3 container).

1.2 Cutter-suction dredger

Cutter-suction dredger
In a cutter-suction Dredger or CSD, suction tube has a cutter head at the entrance suckers. The cutters can also be used for hard materials such as gravel or stone. The dredged material is usually smoked by suction centrifugal pump and discharged through a pipe or into a barge. CSD with more powerful cutters have been built the past few years, is used to cut the stone but blasting. CSD has two spud can in the rear as well as two anchors on the front left and right. Spud can be useful as the shaft moves CSD, two anchors to pull to the left and right.

Two world CSD is owned Dredging International CSD CSD D'Artagnan (28,200 kW) and Jan De Nul CSD JFJ DeNul (27 240 kW).

2. Bucket Dredger 

Bucket Dredger
Bucket Dredger is the oldest type of a dredger. Usually equipped with some tools like a bucket / bucket moving simultaneously to remove sediments from the water. A variant of this is the Bucket Dredger Bucket Wheel Dredger.

Some Bucket Dredger and Grab Dredger strong enough to dredge and elevate the reef in order to make shipping lanes.

3. Backhoe / Dipper Dredge

Backhoe / Dipper Dredge
Backhoe / dipper Dredger has a backhoe like excavator. Backhoe Dredger can also use the excavator to the ground, placed on a barge. Backhoe Dredger usually has three spudcan, the mast which is useful as a substitute anchor so the boat does not move, and the backhoe Dredger high-tech, only requires one person to operate it.

Two world Backhoe Dredger are the property of Bean LLC namely TAURACAVOR and property of Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. ie NEW YORK. Both are equipped with a Liebherr 996 excavator.

4. Water Injection Dredger

Water Injection Dredger

Water Injection Dredger shoot water in a small jet of low pressure (low pressure because the material should not be scattered anywhere, because they have to be careful so that the material can be moved) to the surface of the water so that water can bind sediments suspended in the water, further driven by currents and gravity out of the dredging site. Typically used for maintenance dredging in the port. Some parties claimed that the WID is not dredging while others argue the opposite.

This occurs because the measurements carefully to be made to measure the depth of water, while some measurement tools for it (like singlebeam echosounder) difficulty to obtain accurate results and should use measuring devices that are more expensive (multibeam echosounder) to get results better measur.

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